battlefront 2 darth vader controversy

Since the Reddit backlash that saw a developer response in the Star Wars Battlefront 2 subreddit become (by far) the most downvoted series of comments in Reddit's long history, EA decided to 'hear' what the people had to say. Star Wars Battlefront 2 received a small patch on May 28 that included some balancing changes along with a few adjustments for Milestones. Everett later claimed his original tweet — which has since been deleted — had nothing to do with Battlefront II, but the sentiment remains the same. It will take Star Wars Battlefront 2 players 40 hours to unlock Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker EA has already been criticised for the game's approach to loot boxes. EA shutting down Visceral and their Star Wars game because it wasn't Battlefront-like may have been at the side, but the Loot Crate affair where anyone buying Loot Crates with real money get an immediate advantage over anyone playing normally, hasn't really gone away. Star Wars: Battlefront II promises epic confrontations between Yoda and Kylo Ren or between Rey and Darth Maul in non-canon competitions. We use cookies to enable you to log in and set your site preferences. Activision’s response was predictably diplomatic, saying, “The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes.”. And then again for the other hero, and again for any other heroes that might come out such as Finn or Captain Phasma, out alongside The Last Jedi next month. Let alone all of the others we want to unlock whilst completely ignoring progressing our class. It will be live today, with an update that is getting loaded into the game.". Steam Sale 2021 - Expected Schedule of Sale Dates... EA have announced they are making changes to the Hero Unlock costs, Diablo 3 Season 23 Start Date - Here's When It Could Begin and End. Normally, his job would be to advocate the game’s brand on social media networks. Star Wars Battlefront 2's DLC controversy continues to rumble on, as EA makes a big change to in-game prices. Within the industry, it’s a popular complaint because gamers can often be some of the most toxic fans to have. Maybe they'll just stand their ground. The amount of spam, vulgar comments, and harassment going around is more than the Moderation Team - a volunteer team of 10 people - can handle. "We’ve also been listening to how much you’re loving features in the game (Starfighter Assault, 40 player MP battles, Darth Maul lightsaber throws, etc.) Now, that number sits at 5,000. EA's final response to this so far has been, "our goal involves creating a compelling progression path for all of our players. There is no freaking pride or sense of accomplishment in this. We reported in the last update over the weekend (below) about EA's response on Reddit to the complaints about Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker being locked and really hard to unlock. Here are a selection of comments: "Oh come on, everyone and their mother knows that this is to force players to grind for a piece of a product they should have already gotten when they purchased the game in order to get us to buy lootboxes. You're doing this for items that come in the game we just paid $60 and $80 for. While the EA Community Team did supposedly receive death threats so this is most definitely a serious thing, this individual's claims are false. How about you? Chris joined us in 2011 and loves Star Wars, comics and bad videogame movies. We appreciate the candid feedback, and the passion the community has put forth around the current topics here on Reddit, our forums and across numerous social media outlets. Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader now cost 15,000 in-game credits (down from 60,000), Leia Organa, Palpatine, and Chewbacca now cost 10,000 (from 40,000), and Iden Versio costs 5,000 (previously 20,000). In between the prices of Premium Currency Crystals and how paid Loot Crates still give players an advantage is this fact regarding the game's popular Hero characters - some of them will be locked and must be paid for. They Did It, So Can You :15 - Advertising. Because of an unpopular feature in a game. Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker are the most expensive, and using the in-game currency will mean players will have to play upwards of 200 full games before either Hero can be unlocked. With the Star Wars Battlefront 2 … After Jorgensen said … La habilidad de estrangular viene bien para tener a los Héroes inmovilizados y que alguien se acerque y les curta el lomo, pero el fuerte de Vader viene con Ira concentrada , que al activarse convierte al Villano en toda una máquina imparable durante unos … Su lanzamiento de sable láser es mucho más potente de lo que parece . On Monday morning, a Twitter user named Sean claiming to be a game developer working on Battlefront II said he had received 7 death threats as a result of the controversy. They admit they wanted something for players to work towards, which is a good idea but it's not fair to lock two of the most popular characters behind a wall most players won't be able to achieve, or at the very least stops them from leveling up or getting upgrades - remember, while saving up the 60,000 Credits for Vader or Luke players will not be able to buy any upgrades or Star Cards in order to make their characters better. Should be 5k, so it only takes a couple of hours, not 40.". The Ultimate showdown from Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Finale Twilight of the Apprentice recreated in Star Wars Battlefront 2... sort off. This part of the story was covered by all the major gaming outlets and was even reported by news outlets, including BBC News, USA Today, Vice and more. Microtransactions, which are the bread-and-butter of smartphone gaming, aren’t exactly new to triple-A games. Darth Vader is a lightsaber-type villain , that is, melee. Battlefront II presents us with an example of the wrong way to do microtransactions in a console game. I'm sure the prices will be even more egregious when the "Free" stuff comes along. Battlefront 2 players have been sharing their encounters with these overpowered enemies via Reddit. Of course, headlines and customer reactions started rapidly changed, essentially thanking EA for fixing the problem. From now on you can unlock the Old Master appearance for Darth Maul by getting 5,000 kills with any Dark side hero. How much would you pay to slaughter Rebel scum as Darth Vader? But on Sunday, he seemingly did the opposite by snarkily tweeting, “The arm chair developers on this internet.”. It took far too long to unlock hero classes present in the game's advertising, leading to the decision that this was an intentional way to pressure players into unlocking the content instantly through microtransactions and lootboxes. His lightsaber throw is much more powerful than it looks . After all, you'd be unlocking far more with that reward than what was originally planned. We're pretty sure that's more hours than we spent on Battlefront 1. Will they respond to this particular scandal with another, or be totally transparent with how they're going to tackle it? For one of those characters, not forgetting that the Emperor, Leia, Chewbacca and campaign character Iden Version all need to be unlocked too - for less than Vader and Luke (40K Credits each, 20K for Iden) but still a long time to get. We also use cookies to analyse site traffic, personalise content and Watch later. Apparently he has been pretending to work there via Twitter for a long time, but EA has no knowledge of him. There's no sense of accomplishment. There's a lot of content at launch with even more coming via live service, and we'll continuously adjust our progression mechanics to give players a sense of accomplishment as they explore all of Battlefront 2.". One particular developer's tweet from "BiggSean66" made the rounds, which we posted below. You're not even doing this for "Free DLC". The trick is figuring out exactly what’s a fair reward for the players that do want to spend their IRL money. Fans have responded to this in droves, and they are not happy. How will EA try to salvage this growing issue? We welcome the conversation.". And why, you might ask? EA stripped out all the pay-to-win mechanisms and has made all the content available for free. Fans estimate that unlocking Luke or Vader would take up to 40 hours of playing. Many hours later, however, the truth started to come out. Which might tempt people towards microtransactions or buying Crystals with real world currency, which was obviously EA's goal. Responding to the negative backlash and scathing headlines, EA finally turned tail on the idea by slashing the unlock requirements by a massive 75%. But it goes further. Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader will be reduced from 60,000 to 15,000 credits each, ... especially after the initial wave of loot box controversy over Battlefront II’s Star Cards. He then wrote the following response saying that he was not talking about Battlefront 2 or its fans. Star Wars: Battlefront II, with its microtransactions and steep price for Darth Vader, releases November 17, 2017 whether you want it to or not. Hopefully EA will allow other ways to earn Credits, or at least to get more from matches if you do well, as having to play 200-300 matches (without any upgrades) to get a classic Hero character would be a colossal pain. According to GameInformer reviewer Andrew Reiner, they've postponed their review after figuring out EA only reduced the cost of the hero characters by 75%. There's a lot of uncertainty when it comes to the lootbox situation in recent weeks, but EA trying to defuse the situation with what is essentially a bunch of lies isn't going to help. A key figure in this growing controversy is Star Wars: Battlefront II’s community manager Mat Everett. We’re making the changes to the credit levels for unlocking heroes and we’re going to keep making changes to improve the game experience over time. The term refers to the outcry of fans that always take to social media to complain about a game’s development choices even when they’re only consumers. We reported below about how, in response to the EA Community Staff post on Reddit several of the staff and developers received death threats from gamers, and how this was a terrible thing to happen. It takes roughly 200-300 matches to gain enough Credits to unlock Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker, which was worked out at around 40 hours of play. Battle Damaged Darth Vader. Star Wars Battlefront 2 has been at the centre of a lot of controversy. Here, have a Spreadsheet explaining all this, along with the real-world cost of unlocking these guys. In other words, you can get Darth Vader in your next Hero Loot Crate or you could not. Despite our investigation we cannot find out if Heroes can be purchased with Crystals, the game's Premium Currency that costs real-world money. Inside the controversy around the new 'Battlefront 2' feature. ", "If the unlock took maybe 2-4 hours that would be fine, but this is essentially saying 'You don't need to pay but if you don't good luck'", "This is a joke right? Not so much. Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is a completely different game today. It all started a month ago, when EA showcased that “Battlefront II” would have a “loot box” system in place for players. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Our team will continue to make changes and monitor community feedback and update everyone as soon and as often as we can.". After outing the lie, BiggSean66 deleted the claim he worked at EA and locked his account. Players go into Battlefront II expecting to play as beloved characters like Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker, unleashing Force powers right and left. This ability is able to damage enemies twice, once when passing through them and a second time on the way back. provide relevant advertising. See folks, sometimes complaining does help. It seems as if they've not placed a limit on the credits you can earn in certain gamemode, slapping a timer on that means credits from Arcade challenges cease for 14 hours after either earning a certain amount or just completing 5 of them - it isn't entirely clear just yet. I get that, but someone misinterpreted my tweet, I again apologize for that, but it was not my intent. "Star Wars: Battlefront 2" was embroiled in controversy for using "loot boxes" that got users to pay for access to key characters like Darth Vader. Here are the costs of Crystals: At the moment the only reports we have is that Crystals can only buy Crates. Trooper Crates cost 200 Crystals or 4000 credits, Starfighter Crates at 120 Crystals or 2400 credits, and Hero Crates at 110 Crystals and 2200 credits. Among other things, we're looking at average per-player credit earn rates on a daily basis, and we'll be making constant adjustments to ensure that players have challenges that are compelling, rewarding, and of course attainable via gameplay. That’s how mad people are. On Monday morning, a Twitter user named Sean claiming to be a game developer working on Battlefront II said he had received 7 death threats as a result of the controversy. So I'm up to 7 death threats, and over 1600 individual personal attacks now (and yes, for legal reasons I'm keeping track). Deception at its finest. That ain't bad for something to work towards. Generally speaking, they have no bearing on the actual gameplay, and they don’t give you any edge in battle. That, at least, is manageable. Big, sweeping changes. The Best Star Wars Games on PC! EA shutting down Visceral and their Star Wars game because it wasn't Battlefront-like may have been at the side, but the Loot Crate affair where anyone buying Loot Crates with real money get an immediate advantage over anyone playing normally, hasn't really gone away. While this is all in-game currency and can be earned through play, each full match of Star Wars Battlefront 2 only earns around 200-300 credits each. As more and more potential players dump money into Candy Crush or even Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, larger game studios — like Activision — are struggling to figure out how they can literally cash in on the trend for console games. Andrew points out that before all of this commotion, completing the in-game campaign rewarded 20,000 credits. Here Reddit went ablaze with Battlefront 2 hate and questions directed at EA & Dice as to why it would take 40+ hours to unlock Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader, two of the most iconic characters of the franchise. It is no secret that fans have been extremely critical of their inclusion in Battlefront 2, so much so that Electronic Arts and DICE have changed the system algorithms already to reflect a more time-based system. Our first concern is ensuring safety and support for our people, and since the reports first surfaced we’ve been investigating this internally. The ability to strangle comes in handy to have the Heroes immobilized and have someone approach and cut their backs, but Vader's fort comes with concentrated Rage , which when activated turns the Villain into an unstoppable machine for a few seconds. The patch also improved the AI and fixed several bugs. We can understand gamer anger over the situation, but it's still only a videogame and this is never the correct response. Based on what we’ve seen in the trial, this amount will make earning these heroes an achievement, but one that will be accessible for all players. Here's the full response from the EA Community Team: "The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes. As such, Activision’s comment broke records Monday to become the single most downvoted post in Reddit’s history. Not even a 5 year old would fall for this. Fallout 76 Season 4 Release Date - Here's When It Could Start and End. You can swipe your credit card for crates and just save up every single credit to unlock heroes. Buying your way there could cost any amount of money considering Credits are not a guaranteed reward. In games like Destiny and Overwatch, the rewards are almost entirely cosmetic, allowing you to equip your favorite characters with fun emotes or costumes. At this time, we’re not able to verify this individual’s claims of employment at EA, nor the threats made against him.". Now we're back to actually wanting to play Battlefront 2 again. - YouTube. It literally kills the fun of the game by making it seem like work. Fans are positively livid. You can find out more in our While Vader is slow moving, unlike in the original Battlefront 2, he is not limited to his short range, and can launch his lightsaber forward at enemies using his Saber Throw. After EA released their open beta for Battlefront 2 and EA Origins users were able to play the game early, fans started to see all the BS that EA had shoved into it.. Note how that's a 75% decrease. This developer does not exist, as Kotaku revealed. Unfortunately the situation was exacerbated by EA Community Manager Mat Everett whose now-deleted Twitter response seemingly derided people complaining about this as "the armchair developers of the internet. Now the top tier Heroes, like Darth Vader, will take just around 50 matches to unlock rather than 300-400, so about 5 hours play. Fallout 76 Season 3 - When Does It Start and What Changes Will Be Made? It’s all because of an “unpopular feature in a video game.”. And all this before the game itself has even been released. Meanwhile, DICE Developers went back to Reddit to try and salvage the situation and quell the anger regarding Loot Crates, Pay-To-Win, and the difficulty in unlocking Heroes. RELATED: Controversy brews over Battlefront 2’s microtransactions Kotaku investigated themselves, even contacted Sean, and he has since cut off all communication. In a statement they said: "We take threats against our employees very seriously. On the internet, fans have a voice, even when they sometimes shouldn’t. The Reddit response from EA now has one of the highest Downvote counts of any post, ever. Star Wars Battlefront 2’s loot crate controversy: everything you need to know. Star Wars Battlefront 2 has been at the centre of a lot of controversy. But it's all-out chaos and the AI are difficult to take down, whether it's just the regular trooper or Darth Vader … Players have two options: Play the game and “grind” dozens of hours for the Credits needed to unlock the cool characters or you can spend real money on virtual “loot crates” that give you a chance at earning the currency. We'll find out when the game comes out on November 17. 'BiggSean66' does not work at EA, and his claim of having "up to 7 death threats, and over 1600 individual personal attacks now" is not true, unless it's for other reasons. Death threats though? On Shaky Ground. And so on. He and a lot of the Community team, and Battlefront 2 developers as well, have since received death threats. Now with two of the Saga's most popular characters put behind a very high progression wall, we're hoping all this doesn't sour the release of Battlefront 2 - which by all accounts is a very fun game. Whether it happened in another silent update since headlines broke, or whether we just didn't notice it before; EA have thrown another curveball with their recent Battlefront II changes in the sneakiest way imaginable. EDIT 2: To further elaborate on why this thread has been locked. - YouTube. We've seen clips of Vader running scared from peppy, little BB-8, as well as BB-9E destroying both Luke and Rey in moments.Their aforementioned abilities make them hard to handle, but it's mostly their speed and surprising agility that turns these droids into killing machines. EA have removed the higher tiers of Star Card upgrades from Crates and put level caps on some upgrades, but in general the problem seems to persist. Guess how many of them are linear story experiences... To unlock the characters for play, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker cost 60,000 Credits each. We’l soon find out. I have created THREE versions of this skin: Helmetless, cracked helmet, and full helmet. Trust me I am at bat for this community and game/franchise I love. Controversy erupted over the weekend about pay-to-play issues. Star Wars Battlefront 2 - DARTH VADER 112 Killstreak / Gameplay! You underestimate the power of the Dark Side, EA CFO Blake Jorgensen. It's a big change, and it’s one we can make quickly. Everything we loved and hated about Star Wars Battlefront 2! But when you start playing later this week, very few of the franchise’s coolest characters will be available to you. By GameSpot Staff on November 22, 2017 at 12:37PM PST And that's without buying any Loot Crates or essential Upgrades, so it is clearly EA's hope that players will buy them with real money. Decreasing a single-use reward as big as that makes sense, though. We know some of our most passionate fans, including those in our subreddit, have voiced their opinions, and we hear you. Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader will now be available for 15,000 credits; Emperor Palpatine, Chewbacca, and Leia Organa for 10,000 credits; and Iden at 5,000 credits. We won't know until they make the next move. Breathing replaced with Vader's iconic damaged breathing SFX; Head mesh is Anakin's imported over the BaseMaleHead. John Wasilczyk, Executive Producer at DICE, announced: "So, we’re reducing the amount of credits needed to unlock the top heroes by 75%. EA has responded to complaints about the difficulty - and time - it takes to unlock characters such as Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker in Star Wars Battlefront 2. Darth Vader es un villano de tipo sable láser, es decir, cuerpo a cuerpo. ", "the problem isn't that the heros are locked, it's that you can skip the wait by throwing more money at it, making the wait not for accomplishments, but to entice people to pay for it. Star Wars Battlefront 2 unlocks every hero in update overhauling progression With the uproar about Loot Crates and paid-to-win progression in Star Wars Battlefront 2, out next week, only now as players gain access to the game via Origin Early Access is the full scope of EA's plans regarding progression in Battlefront 2 revealed. Fans hate that Battlefront II encourages this “pay to win” system rather than rewarding the players with more skill, and they’ve taken to Reddit to make their voices heard. Will it totally eclipse what looks like a genuinely good story campaign in Battlefield II? ", "Yeah except we have to work at it like it's a full-time job to unlock one hero. Modders have given Darth Vader a pink makeover in Star Wars Battlefront 2. Includes custom robotic-limb mesh and custom texture edits. I removed those tweets as hordes of angry gamers being told I was speaking about them were upset. as well as what you haven’t liked. When you have the same currency tied to unlocking crates as you do to unlocking heroes. Instead, he spawns at the start of the match and will proceed to eliminate enemy soldiers until the end o… What if you already paid $60 or even $80 for a game that promises just this? Complaining is fine - threatening someone's life over not being able to play a fictional character for a while is not. As for cost, we selected initial values based upon data from the Open Beta and other adjustments made to milestone rewards before launch. When it takes about 2 and a half hours of gameplay to earn enough Credits to purchase a Hero Loot crate it is clear that the system is tuned to maximize conversion - or in this case the feeling of getting screwed over. After getting the most down-voted comment of all time on Reddit, EA have announced they are making changes to the Hero Unlock costs. Simply put, the more time you play, the more you will earn to unlock the game's features. If players do not spend Credits on Loot Crates, Star Cards, fighters, other heroes or anything else, then it will take players 200-300 completed matches to unlock either Luke or Vader. The credit payout, as mentioned above, isn't totally great. Additionally, Darth Vader cannot be controlled. They were only partially successful, if at all. But where is the pride or accomplishment for spending a hundred dollars to get Luke and Vader? EA has responded to the Battlefront 2 controversy, reducing its credits by as much as 75% in the wake of the huge amount of controversy the game has generated over the past few days. Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader Recreated in Battlefront 2! In the first Battlefront, Darth Vader appears only in select campaign missions and in any Imperial Galactic Conquestbattles in which the hero bonus is activated. RELATED: Star Wars Battlefront 2 EA: 5 Reasons Why It's The Best Battlefront Game (& 5 Why It's Battlefront 2 2005) It's terrific fun. Using that as perspective, it would take 3000 Crystals - or around £20/$30 - to unlock Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker, two Heroes that many gamers would want to play quite quickly. Star Wars Battlefront 2's Loot Box Controversy Explained An explanation of the loot crate situation and EA's response. So that’s 80 hours of gameplay as generic stormtroopers and Rebels before you get the privilege of playing as Luke or his dad. What they didn't mention is that they drastically reduced the rate at which you gain the credits needed, pulling the old switcharoo that's only going to make things far worse down the line. Other franchises have a hard time determining the kinds of rewards players can buy, but randomization is almost always a factor. As it turns out, if you want to be Darth Vader in Star Wars: Battlefront II, you have to spend either a lot of time or money. privacy policy. 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