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Chapter 30 Health Assessment and Physical Examination Objectives • Discuss the purposes of physical assessment. Which statement by the graduate FNP reflects a correct understanding of tactile fremitus? The nurse notes documentation that a client is exhibiting Cheyne-Stokes respirations. You Might Also Like: The Essentials of Documenting an Extremity Exam, Today, we're continuing our series on documentation with the extremities. ?<0Øé †¢L¡sÿm° þ(–ŸdÀYË¢Ìa”³íèÝ5g ½Mé-=ývÜ~Ÿ ƒÕ6`1ÐÿREZEYç°¢­Ìsx–qÇq«®ž‚‹ÃÕ'tÁbç#±¶ ðk¸fqGÖqēªB«Õ½sÈè%]&yIn?.†n/z5ôð!,YT,d¸L¢r±Öj’á«ŸƒïVV°,¼äQ–BÎ8,“$§krkCd×ð(Ä$ŽJVd^T ½óA&§ ﱟä,'ø¸3ZFÜìÀ/hô3^‚žˆ¼×ðñ6îÀ«ÙÏ1(ºjÍ#Îü#¼jƒ‹/sø¸ÅÇ wÐföKJCäý[‚¢¬*øL~\Üýþú»7«°¨ºWaŐºÕOoßæn¿ç×ùfI. Study Flashcards On Health Assessment FINAL EXAM at Cram.com. Stay up to date with the latest advanced practice news! So, for our purposes, we’ll break the exam and documentation of the chest down into its components. Super Quick Lung Sounds Tutorial, 6 Tips for Crushing a Virtual Nurse Practitioner Interview, Book Club: Critical Care: A New Nurse Faces Death, Life, and Everything in Between. Resonance is normal upon percussion of all lung fields. 136. The FNP student is reviewing physical assessment findings of the HEENT system associated with pregnancy. Sprinkling of freckles noted across cheeks and nose. When auscultating, breath sounds and vocal resonance are reduced or absent over an effusion. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), however, has physical exam guidelines for billing that conform to neither the exam you learned as a medical student nor the one … 134. Diaphragmatic excursion 5 cm bilaterally and par- Copyright©2020 ThriveAP Inc., All Rights Reserved, The Essentials of Documenting an Extremity Exam, Documenting a Back and Neck Exam Made Simple, Auscultate It! Tactile vocal fremitus is an alternative method of assessing the conduction of sound through lung tissue and involves feeling for sound vibrations on the chest wall with your hands as the patient speaks. Thanks, Your email address will not be published. ~ Chris, Thanks for your concise but precise info on neuro exam and others. C) muffled voice sounds and symmetrical tactile fremitus. Lung sounds are clear in all lobes bilaterally without rales, ronchi, or wheezes. Here are the basic exam techniques you may reference in documenting your respiratory exam. Which statement by the graduate FNP reflects a correct understanding of tactile fremitus? “What do I see, hear, and smell when I walk into the room?” While the oral boards challenge you to perform the physical exam in a certain way, the day to day examination of patients can vary dramatically. FPnotebook.com is a rapid access, point-of-care medical reference for primary care and emergency clinicians. The example provided here falls somewhere in the middle of this spectrum. A physical exam of the chest includes both the heart and lungs, which can each be quite complex in themselves. ... A nursing student is performing a respiratory assessment on a female adult client and is assessing for tactile fremitus. Lung sounds are clear in all lobes bilaterally without rales, ronchi, or wheezes. Alveoli collapse, impairing gas exchange. From orthopedic injuries, to infection,…, A neuro exam is one of the more complex body systems to master when it…, Whether you're a seasoned nurse practitioner or a new grad, there's always room for improvement…, These documentation updates have been terrific! Support + education for early career nurse practitioners. Documentation clinical guideline (nursing) Neurovascular observations clinical guideline (nursing) Eye care in PICU. The physical exam is one of the three key components of E/M documentation. When assessing for tactile fremitus, the nurse should: The 1997 Documentation Guidelines state an extended HPI is at least four elements OR the status of at least three chronic or inactive conditions. No lesions or excoriations noted. For patients presenting with non-related problems, you can keep your respiratory system documentation to a minimum. 12/8/2019 Comprehensive Assessment | Completed | Shadow Health 2/8 Respiratory Palpated thyroid Thyroid smooth without nodules, no goiter Inspected eyelids and conjunctiva Upper eyelids: conjunctiva pink, no lesions, white sclera Lower eyelids: conjunctiva pink, no lesions, white sclera Tested PERRL with penlight Right pupil: equal, round, reactive to light Left pupil: equal, round, … Learn more about our online residency program; we pair clinical and professional development to take advanced practice providers to the next level. The FNP student is reviewing physical assessment findings of the HEENT system associated with pregnancy. In ARDS, alveolar membranes are more permeable & spaces are fluid filled. The patient does not exhibit signs of respiratory distress. On percussion, a pleural effusion classically sounds ‘stony’ dull. 137. Hair brown, shoulder length, clean, shiny. The FNP is reviewing the technique of palpating for tactile fremitus with a new graduate. Pages: 429-430. On assessment of the client, the nurse should expect to note which finding? Here’s a quick review of what you’re looking for: As with most systems of the body, there are a few physical exam tricks you can do to help you reach your diagnosis. Respiratory distress (mild, moderate, severe), Wheezing, rales, crackles, ronchi, or stridor, Retractions, accessory muscle use, or nasal flaring, Chest wall tenderness, chest wall bruising, rib tenderness, sternal tenderness, Areas of increased or decreased tactile fremitus, Depression or protrusion of the sternum (pectus excavatum or pectus carinatum). A physical obstruction to the transmission of sound waves. Production of pink, frothy sputum is a classic sign of acute pulmonary edema. The patient does not exhibit signs of respiratory distress. Documentation in the clinical record must support the level of service as coded and billed. Old appendectomy scar right lower abdomen 4 inches long, thin, and white. The nurse notes documentation that a client has conductive hearing loss. Resonance is normal upon percussion of all lung fields. Cram.com makes it easy to get the grade you want! Given both tests assess the same thing, there is no reason to perform both vocal resonance and tactile vocal fremitus in the same examination. While you won’t use all of these elements in documenting an abnormal respiratory exam, these are some of the abnormal physical findings you may need to note. Similar to documentation for other body systems, the more specific you can be about where a respiratory abnormality lies, and the quality of the abnormality itself, the better. May be caused by trauma or rupture of the airway. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You are responsible for performing an appropriate physical exam and documenting your findings accordingly on each patient you interact with. There may also be reduced tactile vocal fremitus over the pleural effusion. Thanks Erin! No tenderness is appreciated upon palpation of the chest wall. Nurses Notes: ... Tactile fremitus strong over trachea, weakening over bronchi, and absent over alveoli. Your email address will not be published. For patients presenting with respiratory complaints, or known respiratory system abnormalities, you will want to document a complete respiratory exam. No tenderness is appreciated upon palpation of the chest wall. Continuing our ThriveAP series on documentation basics, today we’ll look at how to document an exam of the respiratory system. Areas of increased or decreased tactile fremitus; Depression or protrusion of the sternum (pectus excavatum or pectus carinatum) **Note: This is not meant to be an exhaustive guide to examination and documentation. Resonance throughout lung fields to percussion. 135. • List techniques for preparing a patient physically and psychologically before and during an examination. You may note, for example, abnormal lung sounds at the lung bases vs. the apex, or on the right vs. the left side of the chest. Examining the respiratory system consists of a number of components, namely inspection, auscultation, percussion, and palpation. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. Normal lung findings include symmetric chest expansion, resonant percussion tones, vesicular breath sounds over the peripheral lung fields, muffled voice sounds, and no adventitious sounds. CHARTING EXAMPLES FOR PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT SKIN, HAIR AND NAILS Skin pink, warm, dry and elastic. DOCUMENTATION The following is sample documentation from health assessment of the respiratory system of a healthy adult. Crepitus – A crackling or popping sensation felt under the skin as a result of subcutaneous emphysema. In the 1995 documentation guidelines, the level of exam depends, simply enough, on the number of organ systems that are examined and documented. 1997 Documentation Guidelines: Again, a brief HPI includes one to three elements, but the 1995 and 1997 Documentation Guidelines differ for extended HPI. Spinal Cord injury clinical guideline (nursing) Assessment of severity of respiratory conditions. Learn more about ThriveAP, the program designed to boost primary care clinical knowledge. The FNP is reviewing the technique of palpating for tactile fremitus with a new graduate. The nurse understands that this type of hearing loss is caused by which problem? Appreciated. Required fields are marked *. • Discuss how cultural diversity influences a nurse's approach to and findings from a health assessment. To check back of thorax for tactile fremitus, ask patient to fold his arms across chest; this shifts scapulae out of the way. Documentation of a basic, normal respiratory exam should look something along the lines of the following: The chest wall is symmetric, without deformity, and is atraumatic in appearance. Normal distribution of hair on scalp and perineum. The Key Components - History, Examination, and Medical Decision Making - must be considered in determining the appropriate code (level of service) to be assigned for a given visit. Given the importance of the respiratory system, at least a basic exam should be conducted and documented on nearly all patients. Abnormals on a respiratory exam may include: **Note: This is not meant to be an exhaustive guide to examination and documentation. Started in 1995, this collection now contains 6907 interlinked topic pages divided into a tree of 31 specialty books and 737 chapters.