journal news gun owners map

The study published in the American Journal of Public Health states that 63 percent of Washington gun owners do not store their firearms locked and unloaded. On one hand, what The Journals News did was not technically illegal or a violation of the gun owner’s privacy. Criticisms of the map also poured in from gun owners in all parts of the nation. We know our business is a controversial one, and we do not cower. The map, published by The Journal News, allows readers to zoom in on red dots that indicate which residents are licensed to own pistols or revolvers. The burglars apparently targeted the man’s gun safe while the owner was away. journal news gun map "Where are the gun permits in your neighborhood?" Those gun owners in the New York say that it has left them and their families feeling vulnerable to harassment, potential breaks-ins, and other crimes. ... but gun owners and privacy advocates are predictably upset at what they say is an unnecessary invasion. The Journal News said it published an article in 2006 that received similar responses, but this time around, social media spread the story far and wide. Users can click any dot on the map to see which of their neighbors has a permit for a gun. The paper requested information from Westchester, Rockland and Putnam counties. Several Twitter commenters also came out in support in tweets to CNN: -- "The gun permit maps are an effective way of showing how horribly widespread gun ownership is. All The Journal News had to do was file a request under the Freedom of Information Law and obtain the names, addresses, and weapon type under each permit. Other criticisms remain over whether the map has any journalistic value high enough to justify the privacy concerns of residents. The Journal News, to take the information off its Web site came in response to the passage of sweeping gun legislation in … In 2007,, the website of The Roanoke Times, published a list of Virginians licensed to carry concealed weapons, and then deleted it the next day. The Poynter Institute, a school for journalists, "Publishing gun owners' names makes them targets for theft or public ridicule. The Journal News of New York published an interactive map of permitted gun owners. The publication hired armed guards to escort employees to their cars. People contact me all the time trying to sell me stuff. Criticism of the gun map has not only come from gun owners but also from other journalists around the country. The newspaper continues to defend the rights of individuals to be cognizant of whether or not people around them own guns and keep them in their residences. The website notes that the map does not indicate whether the residents own handguns, only that they are legally able to, and that the data do not pertain to rifles or shotguns, which can be bought without a permit. America's Most Aggressive Defender of Firearms Ownership. The paper said Royle was not available for interviews Wednesday. The newspaper was sharply criticized by both residents of Westchester and Rockland Counties as well as by major, national news organizations. The Journal News argued it was operating in the public interest in pursuing and publishing public data. "Had we been able to obtain those records, we would have published them.". We knew publication of the database (as well as the accompanying article providing context) would be controversial, but we felt sharing information about gun permits in our area was important in the aftermath of the Newtown shootings," she said. Still, publication of the map online has drawn disapproval from every corner with claims that this disclosure only harms law-abiding gun owners. In fact, employees at The Journal News have been subject to harassment and death threats. Turns out the stunt was so unpopular — with gun owners and privacy advocates alike — that a blogger named Christopher Fountain took it upon himself to dig up and organize the … Journal News Hires Armed Guards After Its Map Of Gun Owners Causes … says: January 2, 2013 at 4:30 pm Rockland County Times, a Journal News competitor, provided the scoop and apparently saw irony. "Now everyone knows where the legal guns are kept, a valuable piece of information for criminals," a commenter wrote. In a piece titled, "The gun owner next door: What you don't know about the weapons in your neighborhood," the Journal News requested the names and addresses of local residents who are licensed to own handguns through Freedom of Information Law requests. In the wake of the Sandy Hook shootings, this is exactly what they did and choose to present the information in map form. I don't expect a right to privacy for these things. These journalists are questioning whether The Journal News should have provided more context to go along with the map. Employees of the Journal-News, which recently published a map of gun owners in two upstate New York counties, are receiving the same treatment — sort of.. J.K. Trotter December 27, 2012 The woman responsible for the publication of a controversial map of all gun permit holders in Rockland and Westchester counties resigned from the Journal News the last week of … "One of our roles is to report publicly available information on timely issues, even when unpopular. Gun owners in suburban New York are incensed after a local newspaper, the Journal News, published an interactive Google map showing their names and addresses.. The New York newspaper that published a map with the names and addresses of anyone who owned a gun permit in its coverage area has now taken the map down after a … Law enforcement officials in the area have also expressed concerns over their own safety since prison guards have been threatened by inmates who say they know where the guards live thanks to the map. "Unwarranted publishing of the names of permitted owners just encourages gun owners to skip the permitting.". Opinion: Guns endanger more than they protect, NRA doubles down: New gun laws won't work, Little common ground between pro- and anti-gun forces, The publisher issues a statement supporting the decision, Other news agencies have published similar databases in the past, Poynter Institute senior faculty member calls newspaper's move "journalist arrogance", "Readers are understandably interested" in gun data, newspaper editor says. The editor of the New York newspaper that created a furor by publishing the names and addresses of gun … However, it is not known whether the thieves used the map to target the house. The episode serves as a reminder that gun control laws, the rights of guns owners, and the controversies surrounding them are hotly debated subjects in America and are not likely to go away as well as triggering discussion about publishing personal information such as names and addresses, even if the data is public information. Others rushed to get gun permits as the rhetoric over banning certain types of guns ramped up. A suburban New York City newspaper published an interactive map showing the addresses of thousands of local residents with handgun permits and has drawn flak from gun owners, some of whom expressed their anger via the newspaper's Facebook page. Gun owners in the area responded with obvious shock and anger and called the map a violation of their privacy. Blue dots indicate permit holders who "have purchased a firearm or updated the information on a permit in the past five years.". County clerks' offices had told the paper that "the public does not have the right to see specific permits an individual has been issued, the types of handguns a person possesses or the number of guns he or she owns," the statement said. The map came about in the wake of the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, The Journal News said. The Gun Owner Next Door: What You Don’t Know About the Weapons in Your Neighborhood, thieves broke into one house in Westchester County, prison guards have been threatened by inmates. In fact, thieves broke into one house in Westchester County after being identified on The Journal News’s map. On December 22, 2012, The Journal News published an interactive map showing the names, addresses and home locations of all pistol permit holders licensed in Westchester and Rockland Counties. Ultimately, their criticism is that The Journal News did not do enough with the information. The Journal News in Westchester County, New York, gathered the publicly available names and addresses of 33,000 gun owners from two local … The newspaper also said it had wanted to publish even more information. If you're embarrassed by your gun, get rid of it. I have a car and a house -- they're no secret. In searching through hundreds of comments listed on the website, CNN did not immediately see any in support of the newspaper's decision to publish the interactive map. (Data on gun owners in Putnam County is still … After outing and endangering both gun owners and non-owners, Journal News publisher hides behind armed guards and 25 percent of paper's gun map … "Our readers are understandably interested to know about guns in their neighborhoods," Royle said in her statement. This move by The Journal News has generated a large controversy in itself. Newspaper Takes Down Map of Gun Permit Holders. ", -- "please thank them. It had prompted more than 1,700 comments as of Wednesday morning. New York immediately moved to bar disclosure of gun owners’ names in its registration database. In justification of the decision to publish the gun map, The Journals News stated that it wanted people to be more aware of the how common guns are in their neighborhoods and to help parents make better decisions when it comes to the safety of their children. It is journalistic arrogance to abuse public record privilege, just as it is to air 911 calls for no reason or to publish the home addresses of police or judges without cause," Al Tompkins, a Poynter senior faculty member, said in a statement Wednesday. Some said the map would prompt burglaries because thieves are now aware of where weapons might be found. Using GIS to Create a Vaccination Route Modeling Tool. "I hope you lose readers now," one wrote. Users can click any dot on the map to see which of their neighbors has a permit for a gun. I understand the concern but am not sure I buy it. A screengrab of The Journal News's gun-permit map, which is concentrated in Westchester County. They point out that just because public information has become more readily available in recent years, that does not mean that the data should be published in raw form. "Why don't you do something helpful, like trying to find out where the illegal guns are kept?". On the contrary, we’ve heard from too many grateful community members to consider our decision to post information contained in the public record to have been a mistake. Before the publication of the map online, anyone could have accessed that same information according to New York state law. This could be a turning point. Some workers not directly related to the article have been staying in hotels out of fear for being harassed at home. The paper's publisher, Janet Hasson, president of the Journal News Media Group, defended the decision in a statement Wednesday. The newspaper published online interactive maps of two counties, Rockland and Westchester, disclosing the names and addresses of individuals who have received handgun permits. Nor is our decision made because we were intimidated by those who threatened the safety of our staffers. In the wake of the tragic Connecticut school massacre, the New York-based Journal News took … Schools sought to increase their security and clamp down on gun-related threats. Rebecca Maxwell | January 22, 2013January 21, 2013 | Maps and Cartography. But though the Journal News says they received so many threats after releasing the map—which featured the names and addresses of registered gun owners in … Two articles (one pro and one con) about the Journal News publishing a map of gun permit owners: In a reaction to the published maps, the New York state legislature passed a law that gives gun permit holders the option to keep their information out of the public record. Updated 1523 GMT (2323 HKT) December 27, 2012. New York had already passed an open records act that states that the names and addresses of handgun permit holders will be a matter of public record. Editors and writers at The Journal News, in suburban New York, have received threats in retaliation for an online map showing the names and addresses of permit holders. The Journal News says it was flooded with criticism that publishing the maps makes the permit owners targets for thieves. The map sparked more than 500 comments from readers within a … Those in favor of the map claim that the paper had every right to publish the names and addresses of gun owners based on the First Amendment. Screen shot of the Journal News’ interactive map of gun permit owners. A great majority of readers commenting at were opposed to the newspaper's move, but some defended it on the grounds that the public has a right to know who might own weapons. By Leslie Marshall , Contributor Jan. 9, 2013 America's Most Aggressive Defender of Firearms Ownership. The Journal News Gun Map Isn't Public Service Americans are all entitled to some level of privacy—gun owners included. Not only did the map reveal the personal information of over 33,000 residents, but it also was published along with an article on December 24, 2012 entitled, “The Gun Owner Next Door: What You Don’t Know About the Weapons in Your Neighborhood” detailing concerns over who has access to guns. I do not want my daughter playing in a house with guns. one commenter wrote. One commenter wrote: "If you're a gun owner it's a matter of public record. But the database has been public for 27 days, and we believe those who wanted to view it have done so already. Law enforcement officials from a New York region where a local paper published a map identifying gun owners say prisoners are using the information to intimidate guards. This way people can make better informed decisions about where to live. Credit 8:45 p.m. | Updated In the days after the Connecticut school killings , a newspaper in nearby Westchester County, N.Y., decided to respond by publishing the names and addresses of handgun permit holders in its readership area. Mary Dolan, features editor for The Journal News, defended the map saying that it sparked a conversation that needed to happen in this country. People have a right to know whether their neighbors own guns, and the map did convey the powerful message that gun permit holders are all over the place. The paper was only given the names … The nation responded with shock, anger, and a renewed controversial debate on gun control. The Journal News itself claims that their readers are interested in knowing about guns in their neighborhoods, and the reactions of the gun owners only shows what tactics they will resort to when gun rights are threatened. Following the controversial Journal News gun permit map released recently, we'd like to let you watch a rather interesting video by Project Veritas.Calling themselves "Citizens against Senseless Violence", they go door-to-door to see if people would display a lawn sign saying "THIS HOME IS PROUDLY GUN FREE". In announcing the removal of the gun permit map, Journal News publisher Janet Hasson wrote on January 18, 2013 in a letter published on the Journal News site: Today, The Journal News has removed the permit data from The shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut left over twenty people dead, the majority of them young children. Following the controversial Journal News gun permit map released recently, we'd like to let you watch a rather interesting video by Project Veritas.Calling themselves "Citizens against Senseless Violence", they go door-to-door to see if people would display a lawn sign saying "THIS HOME IS PROUDLY GUN FREE". In the aftermath of the shootings, one suburban New York newspaper, The Journal News, decided to alert their readership to the prevalence of gun ownership in their own communities. The maps provide a visual way for people to understand the pervasiveness of gun ownership in just two counties in the nation. In the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting and the huge uptick in gun and ammunition sales, a New York newspaper, the Journal News, compiled a list of all the registered gun owners … ", Another wrote, "Every gun manufactured, transferred, and sold should be on the internet, all on one website, including date of purchase, current owner, stored location, and gun license number.". Yesterday we told you about the interactive map of local gun owners published by the Journal-News, a newspaper serving the Westchester and Rockland counties of New York, and the outcry it immediately drew. ", -- "LOVE the Gun License map! The names and addresses of the two counties' permit-holding residents were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. The newspaper published online interactive maps of two counties, Rockland and Westchester, disclosing the names and addresses of individuals who have received handgun permits. New York paper that published gun-owners map sues county for names The Westchester, N.Y, Journal News, which became the focus of controversy for publishing a gun-owners map … The Journal News received the data, which includes the identities of every registered handgun owner in Rockland and Westchester, via a Freedom of Information Act request. In the aftermath of the shootings, one suburban New York newspaper, The Journal News, decided to alert their readership to the prevalence of gun ownership in their own communities. "So should we start wearing yellow Stars of David so the general public can be aware of who we are??" Gun owners from across the country vocally conveyed their anger and accused The Journal News of having exposed permit holders and non-permit holders alike to the risk of burglaries and other crimes. "In the past week, conversation on our opinion pages and on our website. The Journal News of White Plains, N.Y., on Saturday posted an interactive map with the names and addresses of handgun-permit owners in New York’s Westchester and Rockland counties. The Look of Maps: An Examination of Cartographic Design is a cartographic classic by Arthur H. Robinson originally published in 1952. "We were surprised when we weren't able to obtain information on what kinds and how many weapons people in our market own," the newspaper said in a statement. In an article about the uproar, The Journal News says many of the thousands of people who "have taken to their computers and phones in rage" live outside the counties covered by the map. Similar or broader proposals are on the table in Arkansas, California, Montana and Virginia. Still, hundreds of residents were shocked to see their information posted without their being notified. Hundreds of residents in New York's Westchester and Rockland counties were surprised to find their names and addresses listed on a map posted by The Journal News on Sunday. Some of those responding threatened to cancel their subscriptions or boycott the publication. Just recently The Journal News announced it was taking down the online maps, although the paper still defends its initial decision to publish them. As well, with the passage of time, the data will become outdated and inaccurate. If gun-free zones around schools make them a target for gunmen like the Newtown shooter, as the National Rifle Association has argued, then the Journal News map … Excellent information to anyone concerned with who they live around!". The map, published by The Journal News, allows readers to zoom in on red dots that indicate which residents are licensed to own pistols or revolvers. The Journal News argued that residents have a right to access information regarding weapon holders in Westchester and Rockland communities. One response to the tragedy might have gone a little too far and has added fuel to the fire of the growing disputes over national gun legislation. The Look of Maps: An Examination of Cartographic Design, Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR), Earth Observation, and Mapping, Why the ‘One Map Fits All’ Approach Doesn’t Fit All, — New Buildings Model and Implementation. Gun hypocrisy at Journal News. Our decision to do so is not a concession to critics that no value was served by the posting of the map in the first place. Their being notified permitting. `` at what they say is an unnecessary invasion 2013 | Maps and Cartography to... The Sandy Hook shootings, this is exactly what they did and choose to the! Major, national News organizations prompt burglaries because thieves are now aware of weapons. 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